Marathon Training Tips for Beginners


First Steps

If you’re considering running a marathon, congratulations! It’s an incredibly rewarding experience, and can provide a great sense of accomplishment and pride. However, it’s important to remember that while the end result is often worth the challenge, marathon training isn’t easy; it should be taken seriously. To make sure you train safely and effectively to reach your goal race day, here are some helpful tips for beginners looking to bang out a 26.2-mile trek.


First and foremost, understand what your body is capable of. Do your research about the distance you’re tackling—what type of physical condition do you need to be in? Talk with your doctor or medical professional if there are any specific health concerns or questions before embarking on long-distance running. Additionally, consider your own personal goals: Are you aiming for a certain finish time? Are you taking part in the marathon as part of another event (i.e., completing a triathlon)? Keep these aims in mind when plotting out your training schedule as this will help shape how much effort you need to put into each individual workout session.

Habits and Listen to your Body

As well as considering what your body is capable of handling, it’s important to lay down some ground rules before getting started. Establish healthy habits like stretching regularly and staying hydrated throughout your training period; not only can this reduce risk of injury but also boost performance too. Pacing yourself and listening to your body is also essential: Don’t push yourself beyond reasonable limits as recovery time between runs is just as important as training itself. Aiming too high can cause serious harm so gauge what pace works best for you—it may take some trial and error but learning this skill will pay dividends come race day.